To learn how to go live on TikTok, take a look at the ultimate guide below.

In the six years since its creation, TikTok has become one of the most popular social media sites ever – and it’s not hard to see why! It is a super fun app that allows users to take part in fun trends and share their creative content with the world.

One of the best ways to engage with your followers on TikTok is by using TikTok Live. Using this feature, you can talk directly to your followers in real-time and give them an insight into your personality and life.

What Is TikTok Live?

TikTok live is similar to Instagram Live. It allows you to live-stream on TikTok for all of your followers to see. Doing this allows you to engage with your followers in real-time, and gives them an insight into your life.

You also have the option of making your TikTok live public. This means that people who don’t follow you will also be able to watch your TikTok live and engage with it. This is a great way for other people to discover you and your content.

How To Go Live on TikTok

Provided you have over 1,000 TikTok followers, if not check out how to go live on TikTok without having 1,000 followers! To go live on TikTok, just follow the simple steps below!

  1. Open the TikTok app.
  2. Tap on the camera icon with the plus sign in the middle.
  3. You should see ‘Live’ under the record button.
  4. Choose a thumbnail and title for your broadcast. This is quite important, so take some time to think about these factors!
  5. Tap the option to Go Live.
  6. That’s it! Now you can add effects, flip the camera, filter comments, and much more.

Tips For Going Live on TikTok

If you want to use TikTok Live to increase your reach and make your content shine, take a look at these tips and tricks.

Go Live At A Good Time

You should go live when your followers are most active on TikTok. This gives you the best shot at having a large audience and potentially ending up on TikTok’s For You page. If you don’t know when your followers are most active, check out the best time to post on TikTok!

Go Live For 30 Minutes

Technically, you can go live on TikTok for up to an hour. However, the sweet spot is considered to be around 30 minutes. This is more than enough time to engage your followers and attract new users to your platform without it becoming boring.

Use Good Lighting

Lighting can make or break a TikTok Live. You want to make sure that your viewers can see you properly and appreciate the quality of the video. Before you go live, make sure that you have a good amount of natural lighting, or consider using a ring light.

Post Before You Go Live

If someone sees your post whilst you are streaming live, they will be able to access your live stream through a special icon. As such, by posting before you go live, you’re giving yourself a chance of getting a larger audience.

Limit Background Noise

Background noise in a live stream can be super distracting for your audience. If there is too much background noise it is likely that people will stop watching. As such, before you start, make sure you are in a fairly quiet and calm area.

Don’t Move The Camera Too Much

Make sure that you can keep the camera fairly steady when you do a live stream. If the camera moves too much, it can be quite uncomfortable for your audience to watch.

Make A Plan

The whole point of going live on TikTok is that it is fairly off the cuff. However, you should always begin a live stream with a broad idea of what you want to talk about so that you stay focused. Consider writing some cue cards.

Check Your Internet Connection

Before you go live, you absolutely need to check your internet connection. A steady internet connection is key to hosting a successful live stream. It will ensure that your audience can see and hear you properly.

Be Engaging And Interactive

Remember that live streams are primarily a way for you to engage with your followers and audience – so make sure that you do that! Keep an eye out in the chat to ensure that you’re answering comments or questions because this will help you connect with your audience.

Follow the Rules

This is probably the most important thing to do when you are on TikTok Live. Whilst live-streaming, you must abide by TikTok’s policies and rules. These policies and rules are there to ensure the safety of everyone whilst using the app. If you break any rules, it is likely that your account will be penalized in some way.

Read more: How To Run Paid Advertising On TikTok

Why Can’t I Go Live On TikTok?

Unfortunately, not everyone can go live on TikTok. There could be a number of factors that are preventing you from going live. Check out the most common below.

Number of Followers

To go live on TikTok, you need at least 1000 followers. If you don’t have 1000 followers, you won’t even see the option to go live. Many people have expressed frustration about this limitation, however, TikTok won’t budge on the rule because it aids in ensuring the safety of younger users.


You need to be 13 to sign up for a TikTok account. However, you need to be 16 years old to use TikTok Live. This is a safeguarding policy that helps to ensure younger users are safe whilst using the TikTok app.

Updating Time

If you are 16 years old or have just reached 1,000 TikTok followers or both, and you still don’t see the option to go live, don’t worry! It can take a little bit of time for TikTok’s records to update. You should be able to go live on TikTok within a few days.


TikTok Live is a really awesome feature, particularly for people who are looking to grow and potentially monetize their platforms. We hope that this article has enabled you to engage with your audience in a fun and effective way!

You can read additional TikTok articles here.